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This site contains yaoi and rps themes; anyone who doesn't know what THE ABOVE and FICTION mean should LEAVE.


  • 我真的很想知道她的包包長怎樣。
  • 自己搶自己頭香是為了...? 羞昂真的很妙。
  • 不待見M的原因大概是醬。
  • 贊同與否是一回事,把that's how I was raised 講出口,讓我覺她很沒主見。等等,原來不是只比身材啊。
  • Linds是壞人~~>_<~~


I love you.

He said he was thinking about it and he realized he likes to do it because it gives him a little bit of his own identity back. He loves being on the show obviously and loves Dean Winchester, but he said it's hard to hold on to who you are when you're staring into a mirror all year long and seeing Dean's face staring back at you. So he grows it because it separates him from Dean a little, and helps him keep sight of who he is.
來源: scout47

*重新把Nan的as I shed this skin 挖出來看*



本來覺得某人的聲明太誇張,不過就yy嗎,每個人要怎樣腦補說怎樣的瘋話都還好吧,反正就是借網路發洩一下而已﹔沒想到這次看下來-- 真誇張。還帶頭搧風點火幫忙澆油咧~ 妄想也要有個限度好嗎?


我想看Dannel的包包正面和那件有流蘇的皮衣究竟長怎樣... 還有,多少指點一下妳性子怎樣打扮吧~

That Lone Star state of mind pervades the boys’ Vancouver digs, too. “We’re both pretty low-key,” says Padalecki. “You won’t see us at the clubs jumping up and down to rave music. We’d rather hang out at home. It’s nice. I have a gym in my garage, so we’ll work out in the mornings together. It’s just a very chill vibe. We’re both huge sports fans, so we’ll watch all the Dallas Cowboys games and throw on some steaks. But there are no bachelor pad goings-on here. It’s actually pretty boring, it’s just two dudes hanging out, cooking steaks.”



於是今天繼續鬱悶下去,而且還飆高了... 明天一定要去拜拜,跟神明來心理輔導一下orz

Jensen 2.0!*笑滾在地式膜拜*

ps. 現在想買的:J2CH magKiss of Life 雖然日系寫法很不美劇,但難入手的(或要花大錢才能拿到的綗)總是看起來很棒...